Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A look back at 2008

By Dan Hamblin

2008 was another banner year for prophecy, below are a few examples.

WEATHER: We experienced another year with more hurricanes, typhoons, winter storms and floods. We saw everything from Snow in Las Vegas to record breaking heat across the mid west causing schools to cancel classes because of heat. Here in Columbus, Ohio on March 7th & 8th of 2008 we experienced a record breaking snowfall of 20.8 inches in just over 24 hours. Many cities experienced record amounts of rainfall during 2008 as well. There were over 20,000 earthquakes in 2008.
FINANCIAL: 2008 will go down in the history books as a financial Armageddon for sure. This financial failure isn't just here in the USA but it is global. The US dollar hit all time lows in 2008 and the DOW fell from its 14,000 high down to the 7600 range in just one year. We all witnessed gas prices from 4.00 a gallon and over 5.00 a gallon on the west coast. The housing market pretty much totally collapsed, record foreclosures and a credit freeze. We watched as major financial institutions failed and were bought by others. We watched AIG insurance get billions in bail out money. We watched the big 3 automakers plead for money. 2008 was a total catastrophe for the financial community and continues to be a major issue. This is global remember, we watched Russia close their markets after only being open a couple of hours for a while because they were tanking so badly. 2009 will be just as bad, no improvement in sight as of now.
IRAN'S NUCLEAR AMBITIONS: Well Iran hasn't given up on nuclear power. They have defied all sanctions set forth by the UN and still are on their way to a nuclear power. Many fear that Iran will make nuclear weapons and I for one agree with that completely. Iran has stated several times they want Israel "wiped off the map" and I see them trying to make good on that. Russia has provided a lot of the equipment needed to build their centrifuges in Iran and has backed them all the way. Israel has threatened to attack their nuclear facilities but as of this writing they have not, I feel it is too late for that now. They have passed the point of no return, in my opinion.
NATIONWIDE ID INCENTIVE: The nationwide ID incentive has gained ground as of the middle of 2008. Seems like everyone likes the idea and many Christians see this as the "mark". This is not the mark because it does not meet all of the characteristics of the mark but is surely a precursor for what is to come during the great tribulation.
FOOD SHORTAGES: It became official in mid-2008 that Ethiopia had a famine and there were vast food shortages, this has been felt to a lesser extend all over the globe. Many predict that in the next few years we will be asking for food for Christmas instead of play stations and I-pods. Some have already began stock piling food for future use, the not so distant future that is.
ISRAELI STRIKE IN GAZA: This is a very recent event started just after Christmas 2008. After many years of Hamas lobbing rockets into Israel, Israel has decided to strike back. This has been seen with a great amount of opposition. Nobody said a thing when Hamas was shelling Israel but now that they fight back everyone is pointing at Israel. Hezbollah has come forth saying they are ready to aid Hamas and Iran has been sending aid into Gaza through Egypt. Just more fuel to the Hamas terrorists. Iran has signed up nearly 4,000 volunteers that are willing to fight with Hamas against Israel. I think this is going to turn into something much bigger in 2009. The United States has not offered any aid in this ordeal, seems like Israel may be left standing alone and fighting for its survival. We all know that Israel will remain by God's grace; we all need to pray for Israel.
2008 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION It was an historic election this past November, we elected the nations first black president. Barack Hussein Obama will take office on January 20th. He has a lot of plans and brings "change" to us all; just hope he lives up to his word. Not a lot of confidence, but we will see.

Well as you can see 2008 was another big year for prophecy. We have seen everything from floods to recessions to famines to another war with Israel. Many wonder if this is the war that will lead to the Gog – Magog war. The timing is right especially with Obama about to take office. Let's sit back and see what happens in 2009. Thank you for visiting Rapturecall and have a blessed new year.

Teri, Sue and Dan.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Time is running out.

By Pastor Bill Mazzilli

I would like to look at some scripture. 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.The rapture of the church.. This is when Jesus comes to call His people home. The true Christians. But when will this happen? How much time do we have? In Matthew 24:36-42 tells us we do not know when this is gonna happen. We are to be ready and to watch. Watch for what? The signs of the end. The Bible teaches us there are things to watch for such as Matt 24: 4-14. Rumours of war. Look around there are wars and romours all around us. False Prophets. Those who do not teach the true Word of God but change it to fit the needs of the people with itching ears. Faith healer who claim they have power to heal.. God heals not man. This country was found on God's principles. The Pilgrims wanted to worship God the way God said to worship Him. God is taken out of the schools, no prayer you can't bring in your bibles because it offends people. Many shall be offended. It is ok to teach the children about evelution as the way we came about being. That is a theory not facts. We were created by God but they cannot teach that because it offends people. We tell the children they come from animals and woner why they act the part. They are trying to put warning lables on the bible. People in other countries are being killed for their belief in God. Look also at the weather. Massive earthquakes vilolent storms. All are predicted as signs of the end. You may say there has always been these storms and earthquakes.. True but not as severe as they have been and so close together. Love for God has indeed waxed cold. Man wants to do thing his way not Gods way. In the days of Noah as told in Genesis were days where man married man woman with woman. Hate and mockery of God and His words. Look around. The time is here. The signs are coming faster everyday. The stocks are crashing. You may say history shows this will come back but the bible teaches one day during the Tribulation period the stocks will come to an end. Stocks are not only going down here in America it is happing worldwide. There is a push for a one world bank and religion. A one world goverment.These are all in the process of coming to be.. Time is running out. Are you gonna be ready?Time is the one thing you can spend and never buy back. Once it passes it is gone it can not be relived. We need to prepare. James 4:13-17.Verse 14 says " Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth friend we don't have much time. The hours, days, weeks they all seem to go buy faster and faster. Look at your watch. Your time is running out. What must we do. We must prepare others for the Lord we Christians need to get out there and do the work of the Lord. So many people are wise in the ways of the world but ignorant of the ways of God. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 3: 23 say For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. No one will escape Gods judgments. In Rev. chapter 20 tells us of the White Throne Judgment. Woe to those who stand in front of Him. Also found in Revelation chapters 16-19 teach of of the judgments to come upon the world after the Rapture of the church. This is gonna be a time as never before on this earth. God is gonna judge those who do not believe, those who are left behind. Yes some will make it through this time but most will die. This will be the time of the beast. A time when Satan will be in power here. The number of the beast will be here if you are to eat have medical attention all things are gonna be purchased only buy those who have the number of the beast. Yes 666 is that number. On the hand or foreheads. Look at technology today. They put chips in animals that can be scanned and have the history of that animal known to the vet. They want to put gps chips in new borns the number will be coming next people. Do not take that number. The red calf the Jews will sacrifice in the temple was an extinct species. Thanks to cloning they have sucessfully brought this animal back and are breeding it. All things are coming around. We need to prepare. Will you accept Jesus today? He died on the cross for the sins of mankind of every generation. He rose again from the grave and give us the same victory if we will believe. It is not about religion or works. For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. Romans 10:9-13 says " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raise him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Russia, how far will they go??

Dan Hamblin

It seems like Russia is testing the waters so to say. They started a few months back doing air patrol missions like they did back during the cold war and they have escalated from there. More recently Russia has been increasing the number of active troops and has even gone as far as breaking a treaty which stated they could not have combat artillery in certain areas. They called this "withdrawing" from the treaty because they felt it no longer pertained to them. The recent invasion of Georgia was a wake up call to the world that these lunatics are at it again.
We all know that Russia will play a major role in last days' events up to and including the war of Gog and Magog. The way things are looking lately that war is not far off. In that war Iran will align itself with Russia and others to create one of the largest if not THE largest war ever witnessed. Russia has been a strong supporter of Iran's nuclear power plants for some time now. When everyone knows for sure Iran is in it for weapons purposes, Russia will come forward and say it's for a peaceful purpose. Russia even went so far as to supply Iran with uranium late last winter to aid them in their "power plants".
The United States made a deal to put a missile defense system in Poland a week or so ago and Russia warned against such things, warning that this could be a reason for a military response from them, they said they feel threatened. Truth is that Russia knows we are doing it to protect ourselves from them and by having that defense system in place it could thwart any plans they may have for a future strike against the US on our own soil.
Make no mistake, Russia is drawing closer to Iran and it's going to blow up big before too long. Now that Putin is Prime Minister and he has his puppet Medvedev as the "president" Russia is going to become even more deadly. It's prophecy unfolding before our very eyes. Sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ditching Labor Day for a whacked out religion??

I could hardly believe it when I heard that Tyson foods one of the largest chicken producers in the United States announced that employees opted to forgo their Labor Day pay and honor the Muslim holiday of Eid instead. Tyson has been known for decades as an American company, I know first hand, I used to drive semi truck for them. Now we have top American companies bowing down to the Muslims???
This deal was worked out in negotiations with the workers union at the Shelbyville, Tennessee plant. I have personally been to this facility numerous times and had noticed the amount of Muslim workers was increasing but I had no idea it was ever going to go this far. This deal also gives Muslim workers their own prayer room so they can waste more company time. The Shelbyville plant employs 1200 employees, 250 of which are believed to be Muslim.
Eid is the Muslim equivalent to Christmas for the Muslim people. I bet you these people get paid for their "Eid" holiday and Christmas this year, sounds like double dipping to me. The Muslim religion despite its perverse and bogus background is becoming more and more popular in these last days we are living in. Just goes to show you where the nation is headed.
This is just the beginnings of the changes that are to come for Christians, we always have to give up our ideas and standards to make way for these other religions. I for one am sick of it!!

Dan Hamblin

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sarkozy takes charge as the EU President

By Dan

Well Nicholas Sarkozy took office as the president of the European Union last week. Many people are following this closely as he can be quite an unpredictable man and he always gets his way no matter what. Sarkozy's mother was born to a very prominent Jewish family at which time resided in Salonika, Greece.
Many are not surprised that Sarkozy has took the initiative to help Israel with its current crisis which is the Palestinian quest for a state in Israel. The Jewish population of Israel too sees Sarkozy as one who may be able to aid in the current situation and help them to come to some sort of peace agreement as the one President Bush initiated seems to have horribly failed. (What else would you expect from the Bush Administration?) Israel unveiled a postage stamp recently which depicts Sarkozy with a gift box opening up and the words 'congratulations' and 'good luck' arising from the gift box. Many find it very ironic that Israel released this tribute to Sarkozy before his own country. Seems like, Israel is counting on Sarkozy to save the day.
Many expect Sarkozy's presidency to bring a lot of change not just for France's domestic affairs, but for the Middle-East as well. My opinion is he would have a greater influence in the land than Bush because he resides in the region, he sees the issues first hand and can keep a watchful eye over it better than the United States can.
I think France will stay consistent with establishing a Palestinian state along side Israel and have a capital in Jerusalem. I am not saying I am for this, but it looks like that will be the eventual outcome.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The stage is almost set

By Dan

This week Russia expressed an interest in becoming a part of the European Union. If this occurs the enemy to the north of Israel will be bigger than ever. It's been known for a long time that Russia will be the "Gog" prophesized in EZ: 38 and if it were to join the EU it would be even more of a threat.
Meanwhile this week Syria announced that it has began indirect negotiations with Israel for a peace initiative. One article reported that this would be "bliss" for the nations involved here. The two nations have never had the ability to roam freely between Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt because of the diplomatic status of their nations. This would be a big change for both sides.
It's been said that when Christ returns that Israel would be at peace with her neighbors, well this would help fulfill that and at the same time the Gog alliance is getting stronger and setting the stage for Ezekiel : 38 . All of the pieces are coming together faster and faster.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy 60th Israel

On May 14, 2008 Israel will be 60 years old. I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little about Israels history.
The Israelites or Jewish people can trace their origin back to Abraham. Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob, also known as Israel, are the patriarchs of the Israelites. All of them lived in the land, (Israel), that God gave to them. God promised Abraham that He would make him a great nation, (Gen. 12:2).
God changed Jacobs name to Israel. He had twelve sons that became the twelve tribes of Israel and the beginning of a great nation. Jacobs next to the youngest son, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, who were very jealous of him. Joseph ended up in Egypt and after 13 years of slavery he became second in command next to Pharaoh.
A great famine came and eventually Jacob and his sons and their children went to Egypt to live in the land of Goshen, (Gen. 46:34). There Joseph provided everything they needed. Eventually Joseph died and the Israelites had multiplied and became a great people. The Egyptians started dealing horribly with the Israelites and turned them into slaves.
After 400 years of slavery God sent Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and back to the land He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Through many miracles God brought the people out of Egypt.
Soon after the Exodus, Moses under God's command gave to the people of Israel the ten commandments and the Torah. After 40 years in the Sinai desert Joshua that led them into the promised land.
Then came the time of the Kings. Saul was the very first king. But, due to disobedience the kingdom was given to David. King David, the line in which our Lord Jesus Christ comes from, made Jerusalem the capitol of Israel. Solomon, his son built the first temple during his reign as King.
Shortly after Solomon's death Israel became divided into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah.
from 722-720BC - Assyria attacked Israel and ten tribes exiled. (the ten lost tribes)
In 586BC the Babylonians (modern day Iraq), conquered Judah destroying the first temple and Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish people were exiled.
Under the Persian rule Israel was allowed to run their own state.
538BC-142BC-Persian and Hellenistic periods
538BC-515BC-Many Jews return from Babylonia; Temple rebuilt.
332BC-Land conquered by Alexander the Great; Hellenistic rule.
166BC-160BC-Maccabean (Hasmonean) revolt against restrictions on practice of Judaism and desecration of the Temple
142BC-129BC-Jewish autonomy under Hasmoneans.
129BC-63BC-Jewish independence under Hasmonean monarchy.
63BC-Jerusalem captured by Roman general, Pompey.
63-4 BC-Herod, Roman vassal king, rules the Land of Israel;Temple in Jerusalem refurbished
20-33-Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth
66-Jewish revolt against the Romans
70-Destruction of Jerusalem and Second Temple.
73-Last stand of Jews at Masada.
132-135-Bar Kokhba uprising against Rome.
210-Codification of Jewish oral law (Mishna) completed.
313-636 - Byzantine rule
636-1099 - Arab rule
1099-1291-Crusader domination
1291-1516 -Mamluk rule
1517-1917-Ottoman rule
1918-1948-British rule

In 1948 on May 14Th, Israel became an independent nation again after more then 2000 years scattered throughout the world. This was a miracle of God. Having been brought to the brink of extinction by the horrors of the Holocaust, facing persecution around the world, and surrounded by their enemies, the Jewish people gathered together in Israel and declared themselves a nation in a single day. The United States recognized Israel as a nation on that same day, and Israel’s victories in the wars since have solidified their place among the nations of the world. Isa. 66:8-9.

Long ago the Bible predicted these events would transpire in the last days:
1) The gathering of the Jews into their homeland
2) The rebirth of Israel in a single day
3) The rebirth of Israel in the year 1948
4) Israel’s possession of Jerusalem
5) The nations of the earth aligned against Israel
6) The war of Gog / Magog
7) The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple

Five of these seven prophetic events have already been fulfilled, and the final two are certain to follow.

Those who study the Word of God recognize the restoration of Israel as the primary sign of the end of the age. Jesus promised the generation that witnessed this event would also witness His return. Matthew 24:34.
Israel is 60 years old. How long is a generation? Is it 60 years? Jesus said no one would know the day or hour, but we would know the season. It all started when Israel became a nation again. I'm not saying the rapture is coming this year, "no man knows the day or hour of the return of Jesus." I'm saying all the signs are here. Look up for our redemption draws nigh! Praise God! Even so come Lord Jesus!
Take a few minutes to wish Israel a Happy 60th. Thank you and God bless you.

Monday, April 28, 2008


The following is a video that was emailed to me by a concerned reader. Please veiw this before it is removed from you tube.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The beginning of sorrows

In Matthew 24 Jesus is telling his disciples the things that would take place just before he came. I like the fact that he used "birth pains" to describe this time.
Matt. 24:8
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. English Standard Version
When a woman goes into labor her pain starts off slowly, but the closer she gets to the delivery, the more frequent the pains are, until they are steady and the child is born. This is how it is now. We have always had wars and rumors of wars. We've always had earthquakes and storms. We've always had sicknesses, diseases, pestilences so forth. But, not with the frequency and intensity we have been feeling lately.
The frequency and intensity of these things has increased tremendously. We are having more earthquakes of 6.0 or higher than ever before. Hurricanes are severe. Tornado's are destroying everything in there path and are coming at times that aren't considered tornado season. Floods, drought, fires seem to be an everyday news story. New strains of the flu, antibiotic resistant germs that are mutating, old diseases are coming back stronger.
Crime is increasing, just turn on the news. All you hear about is murder, robberies, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse. These crimes seem to get more hideous each day. About a month ago three different states during the same week had three different people jumping off bridges with their children into on coming traffic. One of the incidences happened right here in Massachusetts. The woman picked up her niece and nephew stripped them and herself and walked out into oncoming traffic on a major highway, they were killed instantly.
We have the school shootings, kids killing kids, parents killing there children, the abuse of the elderly. Jesus said as in the days of Noah so shall it be just before His coming.
There is such an uncertainty in the world today. Financially things are real bad. The dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Our oil prices are through the roof. People are losing their homes. People are scared, scared of what is to come.
We have oil at $110.00 per barrel. At the gas pumps this is about $3.10 for regular, depending on where you live and $4.19 for diesel fuel. Our food, clothing, goods, so forth are shipped by truck around the country. Now with the price of diesel fuel so high what do you think is going to happen to the price of food and other necessities we need? Everything goes up in price.
Revelation tells us there will come a time when it will cost us a days wages for a loaf of bread. We're just about there.
The labor pains are getting closer. We're in the finale hours. Soon we will hear Jesus calling us to meet Him in the sky.

For more info on the economy read Dan's article 'How bad is our economy.'

Monday, February 18, 2008

Atheist Billboard

A billboard in Reynoldsburg Ohio Reads - Imagine No Religion - Freedom From Religion Foundation.
This is a non-profit organization for atheists and agnostics. They claim to be the largest group of atheists and agnostics in North America. They like to take on Bible - Believing Christians.

Following is a letter Dan wrote to this group of people letting them know how offensive their billboard is to us as christians. We decided to share this letter with our readers.
We love Jesus Christ - He is Lord and He is coming back soon!!! This is another sign that we are living in the last days.

I am very disappointed that foundations like yours exists today. This country was founded on religion, it is the reason our forefathers left their homelands to come here. You see, this time you put that billboard in the wrong place. Someone will stand up and have it removed one way or another. This is pathetic, really pathetic. Where do you think you would be without religion? What are you hoping to accomplish by placing these things all over? You see soon; Jesus will return for the believers. When that happens your billboard and you will still be here. You can say how you got your word out, you can say that you won, but the 7 years that follow that day will be worse than ANY DAY you ever experienced with religion in the gorvernment. I hope that late some night someone climbs up there, has some paint or just scrapes it off. I hope a church group feels permiscuous one night and paints a great big cross on that sign. That would be what I stand for. You people are nuts, absolutely NUTS!!!! I bet this is true; I bet last Christmas when your company paid you for the "Christmas Holiday", you kept the money. A true believer in your cause would have returned the money to their employer stating that you did not want that money because it is from a religious holiday that you do not suppot. Here's what I want to do, where your billboard is, there is a billboard to the right, actually they are connected. I want to lease it. I will simply put on it the following: "WANT TO GO TO HELL? LOOK TO THE LEFT" "WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN, FOLLOW CHRIST".
Make no mistake, the last days are here, this is not the time for you to be putting up signs and yelling no religion, this is a time to prepare for the second coming. It draws closer each day. Prophecy is being fulfilled right this very minute. "In the last days there will be an abundance of mockers and scoffers" You are those mockers and scoffers. Want more insight, look to . There you will find the truth in what is happening today. Your cause is a lost one, you too are lost. Seek Him before it's too late. Like I said above, it will be you and your billboards after the rapture.

P.S. This Christmas I will have a nativity scene in my front yard as I did last year, feel free to stop by!! Groups like yours have threatened City hall in my city and they took down their nativity, I will go to jail if I have to but will never take mine down!!! Crazy people like you encourage me to make it larger, maybe real animals in mine this year!!! Like I said, feel free to stop by!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What will 2008 hold?

By Dan Hamblin

2007 was an exciting year for end time's prophecy. Many records were set for weather activity and we saw a peace deal begin for Israel. We witnessed the beginning of what looks like a recession in the US economy and the US dollar is being dropped by several countries. We also witnessed the European Union gather a lot of momentum. (AKA the revived Roman Empire)
2008 has been relatively quiet thus far, the economy is still in a downward spiral, the peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and tension is rising even more between Iran and Israel. Last week a Palestinian official called for the EU to get involved in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. I believe this will happen and be more effective than an American involvement as the EU resides in that region and can have more influence.
2008 will undoubtedly be a land mark year for the EU as they appoint a president and a Foreign Minister for their alliance. Make no mistake this will be the government that the anti-Christ will come from. Also the gog alliance which looks to involve Russia, China and Iran thus far is getting stronger.
2008 is going to be a year to watch carefully as more pieces of the puzzle comes together. We are watching prophecy unfold before our very eyes.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A little about us

Dan Hamblin - Dan is 31, will be 32 on February 13th. He lives in Ohio with his wife of 10+ years and two children. (8 and 5 years old). He is a member of East Columbus Church of Christ. He was a truck driver for over six plus years but came off the road and went back to school, didn't have enough time with his family. He is currently a System Support Specialist for one of the largest drug distributing companies in The United States. He has a great love for end time prophecy. God has given him a gift of insight and a spirit of wisdom concerning current events and end time prophecy. He is co-owner of

Sue Taylor - Sue is 59 years old, born March 20. She lives in Massachusetts. She is the mother of two daughters (38 and 33 years old). A member of Sunrise Church of God. She has studied theology and end time Bible prophecy. A Christain for 40 years and longs to see the coming of the Lord. She is co-owner of

Teri Green - Teri is 51 years old, born July 27, and lives in Massachusetts. She is the mother of 3 children and 5 grandchildren. A member of the Sunrise Church of God, where she frequently preaches. She has an associates degree in Biblical Studies. She has been a student of Bible prophecy for 25 years. She is co-owner of