Monday, March 17, 2008

The beginning of sorrows

In Matthew 24 Jesus is telling his disciples the things that would take place just before he came. I like the fact that he used "birth pains" to describe this time.
Matt. 24:8
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. English Standard Version
When a woman goes into labor her pain starts off slowly, but the closer she gets to the delivery, the more frequent the pains are, until they are steady and the child is born. This is how it is now. We have always had wars and rumors of wars. We've always had earthquakes and storms. We've always had sicknesses, diseases, pestilences so forth. But, not with the frequency and intensity we have been feeling lately.
The frequency and intensity of these things has increased tremendously. We are having more earthquakes of 6.0 or higher than ever before. Hurricanes are severe. Tornado's are destroying everything in there path and are coming at times that aren't considered tornado season. Floods, drought, fires seem to be an everyday news story. New strains of the flu, antibiotic resistant germs that are mutating, old diseases are coming back stronger.
Crime is increasing, just turn on the news. All you hear about is murder, robberies, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse. These crimes seem to get more hideous each day. About a month ago three different states during the same week had three different people jumping off bridges with their children into on coming traffic. One of the incidences happened right here in Massachusetts. The woman picked up her niece and nephew stripped them and herself and walked out into oncoming traffic on a major highway, they were killed instantly.
We have the school shootings, kids killing kids, parents killing there children, the abuse of the elderly. Jesus said as in the days of Noah so shall it be just before His coming.
There is such an uncertainty in the world today. Financially things are real bad. The dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Our oil prices are through the roof. People are losing their homes. People are scared, scared of what is to come.
We have oil at $110.00 per barrel. At the gas pumps this is about $3.10 for regular, depending on where you live and $4.19 for diesel fuel. Our food, clothing, goods, so forth are shipped by truck around the country. Now with the price of diesel fuel so high what do you think is going to happen to the price of food and other necessities we need? Everything goes up in price.
Revelation tells us there will come a time when it will cost us a days wages for a loaf of bread. We're just about there.
The labor pains are getting closer. We're in the finale hours. Soon we will hear Jesus calling us to meet Him in the sky.

For more info on the economy read Dan's article 'How bad is our economy.'