A billboard in Reynoldsburg Ohio Reads - Imagine No Religion - Freedom From Religion Foundation.
This is a non-profit organization for atheists and agnostics. They claim to be the largest group of atheists and agnostics in North America. They like to take on Bible - Believing Christians.
Following is a letter Dan wrote to this group of people letting them know how offensive their billboard is to us as christians. We decided to share this letter with our readers.
We love Jesus Christ - He is Lord and He is coming back soon!!! This is another sign that we are living in the last days.
I am very disappointed that foundations like yours exists today. This country was founded on religion, it is the reason our forefathers left their homelands to come here. You see, this time you put that billboard in the wrong place. Someone will stand up and have it removed one way or another. This is pathetic, really pathetic. Where do you think you would be without religion? What are you hoping to accomplish by placing these things all over? You see soon; Jesus will return for the believers. When that happens your billboard and you will still be here. You can say how you got your word out, you can say that you won, but the 7 years that follow that day will be worse than ANY DAY you ever experienced with religion in the gorvernment. I hope that late some night someone climbs up there, has some paint or just scrapes it off. I hope a church group feels permiscuous one night and paints a great big cross on that sign. That would be what I stand for. You people are nuts, absolutely NUTS!!!! I bet this is true; I bet last Christmas when your company paid you for the "Christmas Holiday", you kept the money. A true believer in your cause would have returned the money to their employer stating that you did not want that money because it is from a religious holiday that you do not suppot. Here's what I want to do, where your billboard is, there is a billboard to the right, actually they are connected. I want to lease it. I will simply put on it the following: "WANT TO GO TO HELL? LOOK TO THE LEFT" "WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN, FOLLOW CHRIST".
Make no mistake, the last days are here, this is not the time for you to be putting up signs and yelling no religion, this is a time to prepare for the second coming. It draws closer each day. Prophecy is being fulfilled right this very minute. "In the last days there will be an abundance of mockers and scoffers" You are those mockers and scoffers. Want more insight, look to http://www.rapturecall.com/ . There you will find the truth in what is happening today. Your cause is a lost one, you too are lost. Seek Him before it's too late. Like I said above, it will be you and your billboards after the rapture.
P.S. This Christmas I will have a nativity scene in my front yard as I did last year, feel free to stop by!! Groups like yours have threatened City hall in my city and they took down their nativity, I will go to jail if I have to but will never take mine down!!! Crazy people like you encourage me to make it larger, maybe real animals in mine this year!!! Like I said, feel free to stop by!!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
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